A Short History of Russia - WEA Sydney

A Short History of Russia

Is Vladimir Putin the saviour of the motherland or an evil monster bent on conquering the world? Is Russia a threat to its neighbours or are they a threat to Russia? What influence does Russia have on the world and how will that play out in the future? To consider these questions, we need to understand how the major events of Russian history remain relevant today and how they have shaped today's Russia. Putin is a product of Russian history and Russia's relations with its neighbours go back hundres of years. Russians believe they are special and that Russia must be treated with respect as a great Power. Is this view any different from the USA's Manifest Destiny, the British Empire, the Romans, the Chinese or any other Empire?

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Course Author: Cavan Hogue

Course Code: D229

Supplied Material: Course Booklet

Units & Pricing: 6 units / $78 per person