Science and Technology - WEA Sydney
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Science and Technology
Science and Technology Courses

Science and Technology

Discover why some people love science and technology and why there is excitement in looking at the stars, in peering through a microscope and in formulae that unpack the secrets of our world. We have tutors who will demystify the theories and practices of these two building blocks of our knowledge of the world. Have fun, learn something new and join with fellow students to discover the joys of science and technology.

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Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

Science and Technology... [More]
$43 Limited

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do

25 Sep
$43 Limited

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do

17 Oct
$43 Limited

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do

16 Nov

Film Night for Life After Death - What the Doctors Say

Free Taster... [More]
$0 Limited

A free film night to watch <em>Defend Your Life</em> to promote the course: <a href="">Life After Death - What the Doctors Say</a>

26 Sep

AI - A Brief Introduction for the Curious

Free Tasters... [More]
$0 Limited

<p>What is AI and what does it have to do with Jorge Luis Borges’ wonderful short story “The Library of Babel”? While you may know about some AI tools, we explore the history of AI, how it works and

30 Sep

Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Reactors

Science and Technology... [More]
$43 Limited

<p>Should Australia embrace nuclear energy? This is a question which will, undoubtedly, be the subject of intense debate in the coming months. Citizens wishing to engage in this debate should

01 Oct

Life After Death - What the Doctors Say

Science and Technology... [More]
$252 Limited / $227

<p>This course is about the science of the after-life. It is based on the work of Dr Raymond A. Moody, the American psychiatrist and physician, as well as other doctors such as Eben Alexander the

14 Oct
$252 Limited / $227

<p>This course is about the science of the after-life. It is based on the work of Dr Raymond A. Moody, the American psychiatrist and physician, as well as other doctors such as Eben Alexander the

14 Oct

The Science of Our Changing Climate

Science and Technology... [More]
$272 Limited / $245

<p>In the words of the latest IPCC Assessment Report; <em>Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming, with global (average) surface

15 Oct

Neurosciences and Longevity

Wellness... [More]
$272 Limited / $245

<p>Learn how to live longer and stay physically and mentally young by discovering the latest research in neurosciences and the art of looking after our brains. Discover the secrets of the “Blue Zones”

17 Oct
$272 Limited / $245

<p>Learn how to live longer and stay physically and mentally young by discovering the latest research in neurosciences and the art of looking after our brains. Discover the secrets of the “Blue Zones”

17 Oct

AI - A General Introduction

Science and Technology... [More]
$72 Limited

<p>The recent rise of AI, thirty-something years after the advent of the Internet, heralds the beginning of another technical revolution. What is AI? Where has it come from? Where is it going? This

04 Nov

Physics and the Arrow of Time

Science and Technology... [More]
$86 Limited / $77

<p>The passage of time from the past to the future constitutes our basic perception of the world. This phenomenon, known as the arrow of time, arises from a fundamental law of physics called the

13 Nov

Up, Up and Away! The History of Aviation in Australia

Australian History... [More]
$72 Limited

<p>From the beginning of time humans have dreamt of the magic of flight – a dream that was more urgent in Australia in our attempts to defeat the tyranny of distance. From the 19th century balloonists

07 Dec
$72 Limited

<p>From the beginning of time humans have dreamt of the magic of flight – a dream that was more urgent in Australia in our attempts to defeat the tyranny of distance. From the 19th century balloonists

13 Dec