Practical Music
Always wanted to play an instrument? Our practical music classes cater for complete beginners and those with more experience. It's never too late to unleash your inner musician.
Guitar for Beginners - A Fun and Easy Way to Learn
<p>There’s emerging evidence that learning to play a musical instrument is good for your physical health: it improves posture, hand-eye coordination, etc. It’s also good for your mental health:
...<p>There’s emerging evidence that learning to play a musical instrument is good for your physical health: it improves posture, hand-eye coordination, etc. It’s also good for your mental health:
...Strike a Chord 1: Piano Playing for the Absolute Beginner
<p>A perfect course for the absolute beginner who has always been curious about what playing the piano entails. Here we will uncover the notes on the piano, why middle C is so important, how to
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Strike a Chord 2: Piano Playing for the Confident Beginner
<p>This course is the natural step-up from being an absolute beginner. We will learn about piano music notation and how to apply it . Bass and treble clef music will be our focus for both left and
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Jump on the Ukulele Band Wagon
<p>Be the Big Kahuna at your next beach party with your newly acquired ukulele skills. The ukulele is fun, it's easy, small and inexpensive. Learn to perform your favourite songs from any era or style
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Strike a Chord 3: Piano Playing for the Advanced Beginner
<p>This course is designed for the well practised beginner who can navigate their way around a piano keyboard, with confidence. Short piano pieces, in different keys, incorporating treble and bass
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Music Theory for P Platers: Intermediate Level
<p>This course is designed to expand and consolidate your knowledge on major and minor scales, enharmonic equivalents, the circle of 5th's and the use of double sharps and flats. Rhythmic passages and
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Stomp It - Household Percussion Ensemble
<p>Inspired by STOMP, the world-renowned percussion group and stage show from the United Kingdom, this course is designed for those interested in making music in a group using body percussion and
...Music Theory for L Platers: Beginners Level
<p>This course is for the absolute beginners or those who have dabbled but never grasped how to read music! Demystify your fears about how to interpret notation, rhythm, scales and key signatures.
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Harmonica for Beginners
<p>The harmonica has been described as “An orchestra in your pocket” and for good reasons. It is a small, expressive instrument which is capable of a wide variety of tone colours and it is adaptable
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