The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
Many historians see the Ottoman Empire as the greatest of the world’s historic empires, not because it controlled the largest area, but because it lasted for the longest time – for around seven centuries. It is generally dated from 1301, when a minor Anatolian princeling named Osman is said to have defeated a Byzantine army and taken a small bite of the territory of the dying Byzantine empire. It formally ended in 1923, when Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the new Turkish republic. In this course we will look at some of the great events and the great personalities of the empire, and their lasting impact on world history.
Independent Study Discussion Courses are for study by groups without a tutor, so there is no need to write reports. These courses were written by tutors who have now since retired from the Discussion Group Program. Some courses were written a number of years ago, and therefore contain references to events which are now more historical than current, however, all are entertaining, well-produced and worthwhile.
Course Author: Dr Douglas Golding
Course Code: D260
Supplied Material: Course Booklet
Units & Pricing: 6 units / $48 per person
Start your Group: Anyone can start a Discussion Group – seek out some like-minded friends or put up a notice in your local library, bookshop or workplace. Please note a minimum of 6 people is required to start a new discussion group.
Arrange the Meetings: New groups need to decide where and when to meet, and for how long – whatever best suits members' particular situations.
Run your Group: Choose a secretary to liaise with WEA and your tutor, a Discussion Leader to chair meetings, and a reporter to take discussion notes to send to your tutor.
Start the Course: Contact WEA Sydney to enrol. Bookings can be made for one year, divided into two terms – Term 1 commences in February, Term 2 in July (Groups may make forward bookings for popular choices). Please indicate in what order your Group wishes to study the courses, if more than one course is booked.