Spanish Intermediate 4 - F2F (B1) - WEA Sydney

Spanish Intermediate 4 - F2F (B1)

This course is a continuation from Spanish Intermediate 3 and is for any student wishing to learn the language for business, travel or everyday use with approximately 260 hours of Spanish required. Students will develop skills to use in conversation, reading, listening and writing. This course aims to build higher level comprehension and communication skills in intermediate Spanish and a review of cultural practices, with a focus on clear explanation of higher level language principles.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Aula Internacional 3 (B1), Jaime Corpas, Eva García and Agustín Garmendia (Difusión, Spain 2014), Chapters 10-12


  • Finding out about the workings and the characteristics of something
  • Giving an opinion about an object
  • Superlatives: ísimo/-a/-os/-as
  • Modifiers to adjectives: excesivamente, demasiado
  • Exclamatory sentences: ¡qué...! ¡qué... tan/más!
  • Relative Clauses with prepositions, and indicative and subjunctive
  • Vocabulary to describe objects (shapes, materials) / Vocabulary to appreciate object designs
  • Assessing situations and facts
  • Giving an opinion about actions and behaviours: me parece bien/mal/ilógico/injusto… que + subjunctive
  • Conditional Tense
  • Lo de + infinitive/noun
  • Vocabulary about environment and solidarity
  • Creating an hypothesis or speculating (future and conditional tenses)
  • Telling a mysterious event
  • Expressing levels of certainty
  • Vocabulary about science, psychology and supernatural phenomena


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Communicate in fluent Spanish in social situations.
  2. Exhibit the skills, vocabulary and study attitude required for continued study of Spanish.
  3. Demonstrate the skills, language and attitudes required for further study of Spanish.


Abbey's Language Book Centre, 131 York Street Sydney, Ph: 9267 1397 |

Please note that textbook cost is not included in the course fee. In the event of a course being cancelled WEA cannot be held responsible for the purchase of any textbooks. We therefore suggest you purchase your textbooks closer to the time of the course commencing.  


If you are a new WEA Student and enrol into a language class and subsequently find that you are at the wrong level (whether too high or too low), you are permitted to transfer into another more suitable class at no additional cost, provided that the request is made within the first two classes and is in writing from your tutor directly to the Education Manager. After that point, an administration fee of $30 will apply.