Italian Through Movies (B1)
A fun, visual and original way to learn Italian. Ideal for students who need to see to learn more effectively. Brief extracts from classic, unforgettable Italian movies to learn more about grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and pronunciation. Each lesson will begin with an introduction to a movie and various activities to build up the vocabulary needed. Then a couple of scenes will be shown in class and used to teach/revise certain grammar points and do extra conversation practice.
- Face-to-Face
- Tutor supplied material
- Introduction to vocabulary related to movies and purchasing movie tickets
- La Dolce Vita
- 8 e mezzo (8½)
- Matrimonio all’italiana (Marriage Italian Style)
- Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradiso)
- Mediterraneo
- La Vita e’ Bella (Life is Beautiful)
- I Cento Passi (One Hundred Steps)
- Benvenuti al Sud
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Have conversations about movies they like and dislike
- Learn general vocabulary related to cinemas, how to purchase tickets, etc.
- Learn or revise grammar points found in the scenes watched in class
- Learn vocabulary and idiomatic expression found the scenes watched in class
- Learn more about Italian history/ culture
<p>A fun, visual and original way to learn Italian. Ideal for students who need to see to learn more effectively. Brief extracts from classic, unforgettable Italian movies to learn more about grammar,
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